Total Body Burn

This workout is designed to target your entire body. You will increase your cardiovascular endurance,  as well as strengthen and tone your entire body.  Grab a bottle of water, set of dumbbells, and a timer. Do your best to stay on the intervals. 

Warm up: jog stairs or track for 5 minutes

Perform each of the following exercises for 30 seconds, rest for 30 seconds. Complete 5 rounds.

 Lower body:

1-Power squat center, 1/4 turn right/power squat, center power squat, 1/4 turn left power squat

2-4 skaters forward/4 skaters back

3-squat, side leg lift, squat, side leg lift

 Upper body: 50 sec work/10 sec rest (2 rounds)

1-4 plank to squats/4 froggers

2-Manmakers (using dumbbells: plank, row, pushup, row, pushup, jump up and shoulder press)

3-Pushup pushbacks


5-Yoga pushups

6- manmakers

7-Reptile/push/knee to wrist (alternate legs)

 Lower body: 30,30,30 30 rest x 5

1-Sumo squat jump, 2 knees

2-rollback/2 jump squats

3-4 squat quarter turns/1 Burpee

 Upper body: 50 sec/10 rest x 2 rounds

1-plank jacks

2-leg drop, hold and crunch

3-double knees

4-criss cross abs

5-ski abs

6-knee Hug

7-mtn climbers


Cool down: walk and stretch

Have fun and work hard!