Swim Workout 10 x 10

Here is a swim workout that is sure to beat the boredom of your typical swim sets.  A lap in swimming is typically one length of the pool, however, to avoid confusion, I used the term: length.


Workout:  (2500 y/m)

10 lengths freestyle (easy warm-up) 

10 lengths kicking with board or no board

10 lengths of freestyle drills

10 lengths (odds stroke/evens freestyle) building pace

10 lengths kicking, every other length is fast

10 lengths (10x25y/m) freestyle, SPRINT! pace!  on :10s rest

10 length building pace with pull buoy

10 lengths freestyle as: odds-fast and evens are to get as much distance per stroke and done at slower pace

10 lengths kicking, every other length is fast

10 lengths at best pace

Cool Down is choice. 

Swim Well,