Banana Mango "Gelato"


Decadent dessert without the guilt!  On a recent shopping trip to Costco, this small appliance caught my eye.  I am sucker for kitchen gadgets and its packaging sealed the deal.  It's called: Yonanas.  And it advertises that it whips up healthy desserts.  And it does. And they are tasty. And it comes with a recipe book that does not disappoint.  

Most of the recipes call for bananas which gives the frozen treats their sweet creaminess...about the same consistency as gelato.  Tonight, I made a simple banana mango gelato.  Yes, that was it...frozen bananas and mangoes.  My kiddos and my husband enjoyed it.  He is my toughest critic.

Definitelt worth trying.  If you have a Costco membership, you can pick one up for around $35 or purchase the Elite version for $79.99.  

Healthy and tastes good?  Yes!  The two can go together!  Only you can decide how healthy you want to be.  But more importantly, you can affect the health of your family.  Please choose to stay well! 

Enjoy life and live well, 

