Stair Workout #2
/When you don't have any equipment, are traveling, or just plain short on time, working out on stairs are a great way to get your cardio in quickly.
Warm up:
Run up and down the stairs for 5 minutes to warm up.
Set 1: perform each of the following for 60 seconds. Rest for 30 seconds then repeat the set 2 more times.
1-Run stairs
2-Run up skipping one stair/run down
3-Skip 2 stairs
Set 2: run up the stairs and perform 50 squats or jump squats. Run down and do 40 jump squats. Run up, 30 jump squats. Run down, 20 jump squats. Run up, 10 jump squats. Run down.
Set 3:
At the bottom of the stairs, do each of the following for 30 seconds. Rest for 30 seconds. Do 3-5 rounds.
1-plank step ups (in a plank position, walk your hands up into the stair, then back down)
2-tricep dips of the bottom step
3- toe taps (stand on the ground and run in pace with high knees, tapping your toes on the stair)
4-decline pushups (with your hands on the floor and feet on the stairs)
Rest for 30 seconds then repeat 2-4 more times.
** Bonus Round
With or without weights, climb up and down the stairs, skipping 2 or 3 stairs, depending on how long your legs are. Climb up and down 10-25 times (burn those buns)!
Cool down and stretch