FasciaBlaster; To Blast or Not
/Several months ago my older sister sent me a link to Ashley Black Guru's Fascia Blaster. Those who tried it claimed it helped reduce inflammation and pain, headaches, even cellulite. I will admit, I was skeptical. After researching it, I decided to try it out for myself. I've been blasting my fascia (the cobweb-like sheath of connective tissue supporting and binding together internal organs and parts of the body). In simple terms, when fascia is tight, it can compress muscles, tissue, and nerves, causing pain. On her website, Ashley Black says, "So much pain, tightness, and discomfort is unnecessarily caused by distorted fascia. Distortions in fascia can pull, torque, and compress the body into malalignment. Studies show that fascial tension in one structure - such as the knee - can cause tension or issues in adjacent structures, such as the hip or ankle. Some common conditions you may have heard of like Plantar Fasciitis, IT Band Syndrome, and frozen shoulder are all attributed to distortions in your fascia. When the fascia is tight, it can constrict the nerves and actually block off the nerve signal! The Autonomic Nervous System (nervous system that controls bodily functions not directed by conscious thought – i.e. breathing) is directly connected and has innervation with the body’s fascial system".
She claims breaking up the fascia can improve circulation, nerve activity, range of motion, as well as reduce pain.
I'm all for trying anything that will reduce pain. I strive to live as healthfully as possible; eating well, exercising, sleeping well and reducing stress. Unfortunately, I often feel pain from sore muscles, tightness, SI joint pain, etc. I started using the fascia blaster last week. It did help improve my muscle pain and the tightness of my hamstring. I will keep you posted on how it goes from here. If you are interested in checking it out for yourself, you can go to the website for information and tutorial videos.
Be pain free and be well!