Whole30: An average woman’s review and humble opinion.

Reset your metabolism, end unhealthy cravings, increase energy?  Yes please!  We have all heard this claim a million times by just about every diet or exercise fad out there.  Is there one that really works?  If you are like me, then you are skeptical about most diet plans out there.  When I learned about the Whole30 I had the same skepticism but this plan sounded reasonable promoting organic vegetables, grass fed meats, and whole foods in general.  My diet was getting out of hand and something had to change, so why not start this 30 day overhaul of my diet?  Besides my inner child throwing a tantrum about not getting cupcakes, I did not have a good reason.

 I have made it to day 23 and found many benefits to the program but have also found a few things that I do not like.  On the plus side, there is this certain comfort knowing you are giving your body healthy and nutritious foods.  Also, gone are the afternoons where I crash and need a caffeine and sugar fix to make it through until evening.  There is no more irritability due to being hungry. Most of all I have noticed how my cravings for sweets has diminished significantly.  I have piles of Halloween candy in my house and honestly I have not really thought twice about them.  For a girl with a sweet tooth this is a major breakthrough!  My biggest problem with the Whole30 is that I feel it controls me and is my boss in a sense.  Fortunately, I do not have food allergies or intolerances so I have never had to limit my diet like this before.  Being so restricted is difficult and I feel like I am always focusing on what I can’t eat.  Some days it is hard for me not to have negative feelings about my food and the Whole30 in general.

Overall I am learning a lot about the foods I eat and how they affect my body.  I have been through ups and downs both emotionally and physically.  It is not an easy program and does take thought, preparation, and commitment.  For me, this way of eating is not something I could continue forever.  I do plan to use the things I have learned and incorporate them into a diet where I feel healthy, strong, and satisfied.  I am counting down the days until I can put cream in my coffee!!

Find what works for you, please!