Spinning a baby.

Breech.  Not what I wanted to hear from my midwife at 34-weeks pregnant.  But that is what I heard when I was pregnant with my first, Bodhi.  My husband has a terrible sense of direction, so, we blamed it on him for  passing that trait. 

At 37 weeks, I opted for an external cephalic version.  A technique typically done by an experienced OB in a monitored hospital setting.  Fortunately, it was successful.  I was able to birth him naturally.  Although, he remained somewhat backwards...he never budged from a posterior presentation and labor lasted 36 hours.  

I must mention that before giving the "version" a try, I tried positioning exercises, moxibustion, and The Webster Technique done by a chiropractor. 

Many women have found success with the Spinning Babies  techniques.  Articles, essays, and videos are available on their website.  It is a wonderful resource and is worth trying if you find yourself with a breech or transverse baby in your second trimester/early third trimester.  Honestly, it's worth trying to maintain an optimal baby position throughout your pregnancy! 

Be Well,