Inhale, exhale


When I was pregnant with my first baby, I had no problem working out, riding my bike, or running. I never felt sick, I didn't gain very much weight, and I slept, well, like a baby. I know what you are thinking, but don't worry... The second time around wasn't nearly so easy. I gained a lot more weight, I couldn't work out like I wanted to, and my back hurt all the time.  Yoga was my saving grace. And though it is not recommended to practice ALL yoga moves while pregnant, cat/cow pose was absolutely delicious. It was the ONLY position I could feel comfortable. I recommend trying this at least 3-4 times a week, or as much as possible. Your back AND your baby will thank you.

Be well!


[A]. Kneel on all fours, abdominals drawn in. Inhale and gently arch your back, tipping your tailbone up, eyes looking up toward the sky (previous slide).

[B]. Exhale and round your back as you tuck your chin in toward your chest (this slide).

[C]. Sit back on your heels into Child's Pose and relax for 1 breath (next slide).

Repeat sequence 10 times. Remain in Child's Pose for 5 slow breaths to cool down.

You can use this move during labor.