Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)
/ACV-Have you heard of it?
Apple Cider Vinegar…it has amazing health benefits. I have recently started to take one teaspoon in some warm water with a shake of turmeric added to it to promote good health. It does not only cure things like hiccups but its unique properties have been proven to help with everything from lowering cholesterol, reducing blood sugar, weight loss, detox to even giving you a boost of energy. So why not try it? Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar with ‘the Mother’ is the one I have been using but there are other brands out there. Just be sure you get one that is raw unfiltered organic apple cider vinegar.
And if drinking it does not appeal to you, try adding it to salads and other dishes to incorporate it into your diet.
Be well! LEW