Wednesday Workout

It's Wednesday, hump day. Here's a workout for you that will get your legs shaking every time you walk down the stairs (for the rest of the week). No worries, modifications are available.

Anybody who knows me knows that I have a love affair with lunges. They hurt in all the right places; they are so effective to tone and strengthen every part of your legs and glutes.  

There are several variations of this workout. To keep it simple, perform 20 alternating lunges per leg followed by a 30 second wall sit (I like to use the stability ball to lean against, but you can do either). Then perform 19 alternating lunges per leg followed by a 30 second wall sit. Then 18 lunges per leg/30 second wall sit. Keep going until you have done 1 lunge per leg and a 30 second wall sit. I'm not going to lie, those wall sits are brutal, but that static hold is SO good for you.  

To modify this workout, start with 10 alternating lunges per leg and 15 second  wall sits.

To make this workout MORE challenging, you can hold weights. I also like to alternate between forward lunges and back lunges, as it helps me keep track better. If you really want an extra challenge, after you complete the lunges, do an equal number of jump lunges. (20 lunges per leg/20 jump lunges per leg/30 sec wall sit). Ouch!!!! This will also get your heart rate up.

I like to finish the workout by doing 1 round of jump lunges for as many reps as possible. 

I love this routine. I hope you find it challenges YOU. 

* Make sure you warm up, cool down and stretch. When you lunge, your knee should NEVER push forward over your toe. Think about creating a 90° angle with your hip, knee and ankle.