What to do with all that candy?
/Halloween was SO much fun this year. Now what do we do with SO much candy? Let your kids eat it? Keep it up high in the cupboard and give them a few pieces once in a while? Donate it? If you are like me, I find it is a difficult balance to teach our kids that it's ok to have fun and eat candy, In moderation. We all have our different health guidelines. I find that too much restriction results in them wanting to eat more junk. Since our girls were little, after Halloween we let them pick their favorite 5 candies, then they can trade us the rest for a toy, a book, or something else they want. Last night, after we got home from trick or treating, our girls stood outside on the porch and passed out THEIR candy to other trick or treaters and had a great time doing it. It's a balance that works for us and our family; what works for you?
Be balanced and be well!