I was perusing Facebook the other day, which I must admit is a rarity for me. I am not one of those FB addicts who checks incessantly, posts a status, or ‘checks in’. I use it more to see the pictures of what all my friends near and far are up to.
Anyway, as I was looking at my friends’ posts seeing picture after picture, I came across a great quote. One my friends, Tara, who’s a working mom of two girls, posted this. It said, “Children are not a distraction from more important work. They are THE MOST important work.” –C.S. Lewis
As a pregnant working mother I am so easily distracted by all the laundry, cleaning, cooking, etc. that I often feel Summer (my daughter) is interrupting me when she asks me to play store, or a game, or just wants me to hold her. This quote suddenly struck me and made me realize that all those other tasks are just those--tasks to be done. A checklist to be checked off. None of it is very important at all. But my child asking me to take time out to play with her or hold her, now THAT trumps it all.
I’m already 23 weeks pregnant. Soon I’ll be the mom of two. It is all going VERY fast. And this quote reminded me that not only is it important work when they are OUT but it’s very important when they are inside, too. I find it hard to take time to put my feet up and rest. But rest and hydration are so important in pregnancy. My body is doing some critical work right now growing another little life. This is THE MOST important work too. Yes, it changes your body, zaps your brain cells (placenta brain is NOT a myth), and can give you some real mood swings at times. But these 40 weeks are going to go faster than you’ll ever realize. So take time out to rest, treat your body well, and know that you are doing an amazing thing. Don’t let there be any distractions and don’t underestimate the magnitude of it all. You are performing an everyday miracle. So stick that belly out, be proud and remember, “You is Kind. You is Smart. You is important.” –Kathryn Stockett.
Be Well,