Social Support

It can be isolating, scary, beautiful, exciting, enlightening, and empowering.  But if you spend your days alone or feeling lonely while pregnant, you may be robbed of all of these transforming experiences.  Many of us have been there, the lone pregnant lady of the friend group, the DD, the uninvited to gatherings just because they happen too late at night.  Boohoo. 

Its ok.  Get sad.  Get mad.  Get annoyed.  Then move on!  Tell your friends how you feel.  Ask for support!  That is the key word: ASK.  Awesome things can happen when we simply open ourselves to opportunity.  Get humble and be rewarded.

Keep your friends and make new ones.  Great places to meet other preggos:

  • Prenatal yoga
  • Your gym
  • Your midwife or OB's office
  • Blogs and community websites geared towards Moms
  • Birth Class

Speaking of...that is something SpeedBump should explore!  Would it be helpful if worked on incorporating more local events geared towards uniting The Village?  We would love to hear from you!  And if you need to be connected with a pregnant friend, gives us a shout!

Be well and be social,