Decisions, decisions, decisions...

The first time I was pregnant, I was determined NOT to get an epidural or use any pain-relieving drugs. I suppose I thought it would be better for the baby and for myself. However, when those contractions started, the back labor was the most excruciating pain I'd ever felt and I couldn't get the epidural fast enough.  The relief was marvelous, but it definitely had it's disadvantages. I couldn't really feel what I was trying to push exactly, my baby's heart rate dropped dramatically, and I couldn't walk around for a while after she was born. The second time I gave birth, I was at home, with my amazing friend, who happened to be a massage therapist (lucky me!), two midwives, and my awesome husband, who made sure we had relaxing tunes playing in the background. There were no drugs, no epidural, and it was AWESOME! Yes, it hurt! The ring of fire is for realz, but it was SOOOO amazing to be able to be so present during those few minutes. (Yes, my labors are super intense, but super fast, as well). It was so nice to be able to stand up just a short while after delivering, and to be able to feel everything. I recovered in my own home, on my couch, without anyone coming in poking and prodding me, waking me up in the middle of the night. It was the most incredible experience of my life and if I could do it again, I would. All that being said, there are probably hundreds of things that COULD go wrong giving birth at home, but I was very blessed and everything went incredibly well. For any of you who are currently pregnant or planning on having more children, I hope you put some thought into your birth plan. Think about it and discuss it with your partner, Dr's, midwives, and doula's. There is no wrong way, or right way to have a baby. They will make their appearance into this world no matter how we choose to deliver them. But it is nice for you and your family to have a special experience. Research your options and do what you feel is best for you and your baby. Drugs, no drugs, V-backs or C-section, Dr. or doula... There are so many decisions to make, but there is no "right" one. 

Be well,