Another SpeedBump Belly Bump

It is true.  I am knocked up for the third time.  My husband hates when I say "knocked-up".  But that is just my dry, quirky sense of humor.  I am after all 38 years old and married.  I suppose he cares a bit more about what people think than I do, which is probably a good thing since he is a prominent and well-respected individual within his professional community.  But as with the prior two pregnancies, I again lack any sort of filter.  I mean no harm, anger, irritation, agitation, or disrespect...I simply lack a filter when I become pregnant and say just about anything that comes to mind.  Perhaps, all pregnant women go through this and the rest of the world can't handle it.  So, we get blamed for being moody and bitchy. 

Anyway...hurray!  We are having another baby!  I am 13-weeks into a 40-week fast from all my favorite craft IPA's and cold Sauvignon Blancs I so enjoy sipping on in the summer.  (Please...have a sense of humor, here!)   Weeks 7-12 were honestly quite miserable: lots of nausea; random vomiting; repulsed by all smells (even the prettiest of lotions); Fatigue with a capital F; and headaches on a regular basis.  Doesn't that make you all wanna go out and reproduce!  LOL!  But I hit the breezy point this weekend.  I'm back to eating with more variety, feeling energized, and ready to show off my belly that resembles a beer gut. 

In truth, I enjoy being pregnant once I get past the first trimester.  It is an honor, a privilege, and a blessing.  And I look forward to sharing all the ups and downs with you.  No filter. 

Be well,