
I've gone to great lengths to incorporate the concept of balance in my life.  It works in some areas but when I've been asked the question, "Can a mother really have it all?"  I can say with certainty: Hell NO!  What is meant by that anyway?  A successful and stable career, hands-on mothering, clean house, sanity, optimal health, desirable nights of sleep, happiness, contentment, healthy relationship with your partner, spiritual connection, and a social life?  At some point, something has got to give and we all need to come to terms with that.  No one is perfect nor should anyone strive to be.  Frankly, that is just nuts and boring.  Yup, boring.  Perfectionism delivers nothing but boredom, insanity, sickness, and zero contentment.  I know.  I've tried it.  LOL!

Balance Schmalance.  Life is messy.  And that is what makes it great.  It is what makes us grow. 

Why talk about this on Maternity Monday?  Because I feel as if I have failed you all if I don't say something.  And this is something you might want to think about while you are pregnant.  Will you go back to work?  Will you stay home?  Will you do both?  Whatever you don't have to do it all all at once.  Truly.  What you can do is stay present at all times.  If you are working and mothering...give each part of your life your fullest attention when needed.  When you are being a a mom...when you are solving the world's problems at work...then focus and make it happen.  Forget about balance.  It is a persona many like to think they are managing.  Balance is what you define it.  At the end of the day if you are are succeeding! 


And when you are tired and feel like a failure (you aren't)...just listen to this song:

Be Well and Believe You Can Run the World...but just by focusing on the things that matter most at any one moment in time,